easing the experience and usability of tracking physical activity

Project type
UI/UX Web • UI/UX Native Mobile (iOS/Android)
2020 - 2021
Lead Product Designer

The product

Activity Tracking experience on CaféWell web app & mobile product.

The challenge

With a multi-step process to manually log physical activity and an unclear user experience to connect and use wearables, user’s frustration impacted the overall number of entries logged on the platform costing users healthy activity as well as revenue from a business perspective for CaféWell.

The goal

Improve the user experience by streamlining the process of logging activity manually in both the present and past and clarify the status & data of any connected wearables to improve user’s morale of progress made and serve as encouragement to continue logging.

Discovery and research

Asking & understanding a few key questions during the discovery & research phase helped me gather insight that could be used to build a problem statement.

  1. What kinds of activity are users currently logging & how do they do so?
  2. What are the user's main goals when logging activity?
  3. What are the main pain or points of confusion for the users?

I studied the current process for users to log their activity and gained insight from user feedback collected through NPS surveys.

Define the problem

Users can log activity in three main ways:

  • by duration over a time frame (ie. log for 5 days)
  • by attestation (ie. logged on a given day or not)
  • Or by metric (ie. log 10,000 steps).

Users can connect and use their wearable devices like an Apple Watch or Fitbit on certain eligible programs but with multiple types of trackers possible in a user's account, it was unclear where or when users could streamline their experience by using a wearable.

To increase healthy habits forming, many programs that included any activity tracking spanned over several weeks split up into activity groups called "chapters", "parts" or "weeks" that had configurable time periods set by the client. Because these activity groups were not called out on the UI when users were tracking, many users were accidentally in the wrong activity group and losing out on potential rewards that were available per activity group.

I created several user stories to continue to help guide my future exploration.

As a user, I want to quickly log my activity so that I can keep completing healthy actions offline
As a user, I want to know how many entries I have already logged and how many more entries I need to log in order to complete the activity so that I can earn my rewards
As a user, I want to know the date and activity group I am logging in so I know I'm logging where I intended
As a user, I want to connect my wearable device, see the status and history


To address the insight, feedback, and pain points I collected, I did several UX explorations grounded in streamlining the user experience of logging any activity.

During my explorations, I explored several UX questions grounded in user feedback collected through NPS surveys:

"It's cumbersome to log in and track my health when I could be outside improving my health."

UX exploration: How can we leverage a "get-in-and-get-out" experience for users to quickly log their activity straight from the home page without having to log into each program to document their activity?

I explored various ways to allow users to track straight from the homepage of their CaféWell account through program activity cards, toolbar items, or configurable widgets. This would allow users to quickly log their activity but ultimately with the complexity of back-logging and the lack of context for users to understand which program their data was being sent to I felt that logging needed to provide greater context than one small widget could.

UX exploration (iterating from previous exploration): Instead of multiple clicks into a modal in order to log on a previous day, how can we expose the data and allow for users to manually edit a graph with new or changed entries on the program details page?

Instead of logging in a small widget, allowing users to log directly onto their activity graph gave users more context around the type & date of their entries and decrease the number of clicks to log on their desired date. This exploration maintained visually differentiating between device data and manually logged data as in the current experience but this brought up a key question that would impact further explorations.

Key question: do users want to differentiate between their manually logged data & device data at a glance? We created a user survey & conducted user research to learn more.

After collecting responses from the survey, 57.2% of users said that they would not seek to decipher the differences between device and manually logged data at a glance but would still expect to find it in their history.

UX exploration (iterating from previous exploration): How could an in-line editing experience directly onto a calendar reduce cognitive load and streamline the logging process?

Logging directly on the Activity Tracker calendar would decrease extraneous information at a glance and allow users to quickly log on to any date, even in the past. With more space by using the full page instead of a modal, there was a greater opportunity to be intentional with hierarchy and clearly distinguish the user's goal, progress, and context on the page. However, with such a streamlined logging experience, inline editing provided little room for users to edit or modify any data.

Testing & Feedback

I tested the in-line editing iteration with several in-person usability testing sessions scheduled with both users and stakeholders of the platform and using a Maze.design prototype. I also presented my designs to a few current clients to gather feedback on if the designs would solve concerns they had heard from their own users of the Rewards Dashboard.

Based on the feedback

👍 Here's what was working:

  • Eliminating a modal logging experience and providing an in-line editing experience leveraging the full page improved orienting users to the context of their program (date, progress, activity group, etc)
  • Users felt confident in the total amount of activity logged for each date

🖐 Here's where we needed continued iteration:

  • Technical limitation: only manually logged data can be edited. In the presented designs, there was no way to easily edit just manually logged data since there is no differentiator or history exposed
  • Any dates with any device data would be rendered "Read-only" without further iterations
  • Being able to see what data was collected by a device vs. manually logged was extremely important to stakeholders and was a missed opportunity in designs presented
  • Confusing UX to add data - would you add in the new total amount? Or type in the new amount using a math equation of "+" or "-" the changed data?

Final designs

After continued iteration and continued work with the Product Team, I revised my designs to address key concerns and ensure user's needs were being met. To address the feedback, I made several updates:

  • I added a dynamic sentence to ensure users were clear about their goal for each activity group (ie. "You swam 4 days in part 2!")
  • I included a way for users to visually see the state of their wearables (if applicable) and a way to manually force refresh to update their latest data which addressed one of the biggest pain points of not knowing the state or how to update device data
  • I maintained editing on the calendar but included space for a user to see the historical data of each day without clicking onto a separate page
  • Green dots indicate on each day of the week whether data was logged and can provide users at a glance information on which days they may need to update or log on


Increase in number of activity entries logged

Increase in wearable devices connected

Increase in Consumer NPS feedback and score

Decrease in support tickets regarding how to connect a device

Additional contributions to Activity Tracking

💭 This case study primarily covered adding entries for Activity Tracking however I was also the lead designer of several other Activity Tracking related features including:

  • Integrated challenges, leaderboards and discussion posts with Activity Tracking
  • Syncing Apple Health data to each tracker on our mobile native application

Let's connect and chat about it!